If you found this webpage because you are caring for someone who has an Electromagnetic Sensitivity alert wristband, and you cannot find a hardcopy informative note and/or emergency contact details in the person’s pocket/wallet/bag/other belongings, or you would like assistance in understanding the note or the person’s needs/instructions/requests, please voice call both of the following landline phone numbers in Canada. These contacts are not emergency nor medical services, and they cannot respond 24/7; they are experienced non-profit volunteer advocates who may be of assistance to you and the person in your care. We give two phone numbers because there is no way to know which will be able to respond soonest.
1. Electrosensitive Society/Rose Labs 709-742-5039 landline. If you reach voicemail, please leave a message that indicates at least the urgency of your call, your name, and your phone number. Note: text messaging is likely not possible. We suggest you also send an email message to sheena@electrosensitivesociety.com
2. EPIC 416-622-3742 landline. Leave a voicemail message that indicates at least the urgency of your call, your name, and your phone number. Note: text messaging is not possible. We suggest you also send an email message to epic@iexistworld.org
<*> PLEASE NOTE <*> If you will be transporting an EHS/electromagnetic sensitivity patient, be mindful of the need for accommodation (excerpted from the next weblink).
Not as a substitute for the above contacts, you may also want to see these two documents:
https://www.electrosensitivesociety.com/how-hospitals-can-accommodate-patients-who-have-ehs/ or pdf at https://www.electrosensitivesociety.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/How-Hospitals-Can-Accommodate-Patients-Who-Have-EHS-2020.pdf
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Also, you may want to notice various topics in top-of-page navigation choices on our website and at https://www.electrosensitivesociety.com
posted October 26, 2024 at iexistworld.org/wb
EPIC respects human health and all environments by preferring cords and cables for Internet, messaging, voice calls, data, education, entertainment, games, images, audio, and video — with all wireless features turned off. Wireless coverage, connections, and signals are artificial radiofrequency radiation (RFR) emissions that can affect plants and animals (including you). EPIC aims for zero RFR footprint and reduced exposures.
• prefer cords to connect with wireless off
• provide cords
• request cords
• respect wires