Things you can do to help reduce exposures in your home
We tried to word each thing in this list as if we are having a conversation with you. We always welcome questions, and if you would like to ask about exposures in your home it is helpful if before contacting us you can read the list — either on-screen or printed on paper. Upon request, we can postal mail a similar list to you — it is inside our “electrosmog & you” brochure.
Replace cordless phones with corded models (cordless base stations broadcast radiation even when the phone is not in use, older 900 MHz analog cordless phones do turn off between calls but still emit radiation when in use). |
Instead of using wi-fi and other wireless connections use wired options and turn off wireless features (use of a DLAN system that sends Internet service through your electrical system wiring instead of emitting wireless radiation helps some people but does generate other undesirable electromagnetic radiation, so cords/cables are safer than DLAN). |
Choose wired for security systems, sprinkler system rain gauges and all environment sensors. |
Entirely power off cell phones when you will be sleeping and whenever not in use. Even when a phone is not in use it “talks” to the network towers. You and bystanders are exposed to the radiation that is this continuous chatter. |
If a cell phone must be used, distance the phone from your head and body and use speaker phone or a hollow tube earpiece that plugs into the phone. |
Avoid using a cell phone and other wireless devices in a car or any contained metal area (train, bus, elevator, subway, airplane, foil insulated room, etc.). Also avoid using a cell phone and other wireless devices in weak signal areas. In all those limited areas, your device boosts power to connect, so it gives off more wireless radiation; as well, the signals reflecting off the metal of the vehicle/room increases your and other occupants’ exposure. When a cell phone must be used inside a personal vehicle, prefer using an external antenna. |
Request an RF emissions always-off (or fewer emissions) electricity meter from your local hydro company, or a meter wired through a phone line might help some people. Also request this for water and gas meters. Get agreement that your old meter will be restored if the new meter seems to cause worse exposures. Shield RF-emitting meters until they are changed; talk to an expert (such as a building biologist) to do this. |
Dispose of microwave ovens. They leak high radiation levels after they are a few weeks old. |
Unplug wireless games when not in use – some always emit radiation, even when not in use and powered off. |
While using laptops, tablets, computers, printers, e-readers disable wireless when not using it – otherwise it broadcasts wireless radiation constantly. Replace your wireless accessories with wired models: keyboard, mouse, speakers, microphone, printer, etc. For example, the small USB plug-in that operates a wireless mouse emits very intense wireless radiation, so does a wireless printer. If your wireless printer can be connected by cord/cable, after you do that set all the printer’s wireless features to OFF (wi-fi, bluetooth, any other wireless features). Some wireless printers have more than one wireless setting, and those settings might be in different menus. When you power off the printer, the wireless OFF settings might be saved or not saved; so the next time you power on the printer, check the same wireless settings to see whether or not you need to set them to OFF every time you power on the printer. |
Do not use compact fluorescent or any low-voltage lighting technologies. |
DVD and CD players/VCRs/PVRs/TVs, electric clock-radios/alarm clocks, stereo systems, heating pads, electric blankets, lamps, and waterbeds must be unplugged from electricity to cease electric and magnetic field emissions. Before sleeping, remove or unplug electronic devices located in the sleeping areas. Do not charge devices in sleeping areas. Do not charge devices in rooms that are beside or underneath sleeping areas. To largely reduce your exposure to these fields, turn off circuit breakers to your bedroom and adjacent rooms or have a demand switch installed by an electrician. |
Distance wireless devices and appliances away from all children. Children will have a much longer and earlier lifetime exposure than we did and so they could be more prone to health challenges because of this radiation exposure. |
Before committing to or proceeding with repairs, replacements, or upgrades of any systems in your home – such as phone, Internet, heating, wiring, pipes, appliances, and many others – try to pre-arrange that it will be possible to undo the change, without delay or prohibitive cost, if something about the change unexpectedly worsens the electromagnetic fields in your home. |
Adapted (with permission) from a compilation written by Melissa Chalmers.
posted August 4, 2019
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EPIC respects human health and all environments by preferring cords and cables for Internet, messaging, voice calls, data, education, entertainment, games, images, audio, and video — with all wireless features turned off. Wireless coverage, connections, and signals are artificial radiofrequency radiation (RFR) emissions that can affect plants and animals (including you). EPIC aims for zero RFR footprint and reduced exposures.
• prefer cords to connect with wireless off
• provide cords
• request cords
• respect wires