Electromagnetic Pollution Illnesses Canada Foundation (EPIC)

If you have a health concern, seek assistance from a healthcare professional.

We post often. RIGHT NOW on this page there are two short videos and many informative links to follow. Ways to contact EPIC are near the bottom of this page. And you can see and share updates and gems by visiting our social media pages (clickables for Twitter and instagram are near halfway down this page).

What we do

EPIC is a volunteer-based not-for-profit.

  • We modernize public awareness about everyday “electrosmog” and how to prevent it.
  • Conscious choices reduce emissions, firsthand and secondhand exposures, and related injuries, illnesses, and environmental harms.
  • We promote e-Hygiene, PracticeSafeTech, education, and kindness in creation of healthier indoor and outdoor environments.
  • And we connect persons affected by electrosmog to various resources.

Electromagnetic Pollution

Topics include pollution sources, reducing your electromagnetic footprint, e-hygiene, and more. Help people you care about understand this. Share with your favourite people-friendly and environmentally-minded organizations, to raise their awareness about this significant air quality issue.
Click HERE to read a message from EPIC’s President.
Click HERE
for an eye-opening press release by hundreds of top experts (including 11 in Canada). Click HERE for an urgent update from those experts.

Symptoms & Illnesses

Topics include symptoms, illnesses, what you can do, the road to recovery, prevention, helping others. Click on any item in this list:


Detailed information to aid doctors and other healthcare professionals in their clinical practices. Includes 308 references.

An article posted by the Ontario College of Family Physicians: “Radio and Microwave Impacts on Human Health: The Role of the Family Physician.”

HEALTHCARE PROFESSIONALS may want to see the textbook: Integrative Environmental Medicine published in 2017 by Oxford University Press Chapter 10 is “Microwave/Radiofrequency Radiation and Human Health: Clinical Management in the Digital Age” and there are three Canadians among the co-authors, plus it includes a References list of 119 scientific publications.

The Electrosensitive Society helps people who have electro-hyper-sensitivity (EHS) find medical specialists who are familiar with EHS, find remediation specialists who can help reduce exposure to electromagnetic fields (EMF), and find and/or create low-EMF zones where they can comfortably live, work, and better enjoy life. The Electrosensitive Society also provides email and phone consultation. [EHS is also known as EMS, electromagnetic sensitivity, electrosensitivity, microwave illness, electrical sensitivity.]


[For more news, visit us on TWITTER @iexistworld — you don’t need a Twitter account to see the posts.]

Now, at no charge, anyone can view all the videos associated with the “EMF Medical Conference 2021” — a joint offering by the Electromagnetic Safety Alliance and Advancing Knowledge in Healthcare, convened online in January 2021 with a pre-lecture on EMF basics in October 2020, attended by more than 800 people in more than 30 nations. In these videos, you “learn from the top leaders in EMF science, medicine and protection.” The Conference courses were designed for healthcare professionals by healthcare professionals, researchers, and other experts; the information and resources are still very relevant today. The Conference “was approved for 24.5 Continuing Medical Education/CE credits for licensed health practitioners —  MDs, NDs, DOs, PAs, NPs, and Nurses.” (Credits are no longer available.)

An article posted by the Ontario College of Family Physicians: “Radio and Microwave Impacts on Human Health: The Role of the Family Physician.”

Wonderful persons keep us well-informed, click on any of these:
healthcare professionals,


There are so many resources that you’ll wonder how on Earth you did not already know that this exists! There are several clickable links inside each of the following paragraphs:

A great MONTHLY NEWSLETTER (current and archives) and you could bookmark that link or use the Newsletter/Sign Up button provided by Environmental Health Trust.

Physicians For Safe Technology provides this LINKS & RESOURCES webpage (and it also includes books).

The Electrosensitive Society helps people who have electro-hyper-sensitivity (EHS) find medical specialists who are familiar with EHS, find remediation specialists who can help reduce exposure to electromagnetic fields (EMF), and find and/or create low-EMF zones where they can comfortably live, work, and better enjoy life. The Electrosensitive Society also provides email and phone consultation. [EHS is also known as EMS, electromagnetic sensitivity, electrosensitivity, microwave illness, electrical sensitivity.]

High-quality HANDOUTS you can share in print or electronically. The list below will change from time to time. If you do not see what you need, please contact us. For bulk printed quantities, please interact with EPIC to enable that. For some items, EPIC may be able to provide customization. These printed handouts are repeatedly requested:

Friendly “PDO” (Personal Devices Off) Signs for in-person gatherings. Contact us by email epic@iexistworld.org or voice call to 416.622.EPIC or 416.622.3742 (in Canada) to request the printable pdf or printed postcards (if available);

Doctors’ Advice On Wireless (2 pdf pages, if you print them on both sides of one sheet of paper and then fold the paper in half, it creates a 4-page brochure suitable for healthcare professionals’ offices);

The BabySafe Project Poster;

PracticeSafeTech/We Care About You Postcard.


Again you’ll wonder how in The Information Age no one told you, until now. Now you know, so pay it forward… tell people. Click on any of these resources:

Health & Environment:


Consumer Awareness:





Sometimes a different twist on things helps understanding. Creativity and humour are also shared HERE.

Volunteer Opportunities

Click here for more details.

EPIC in Your Community

Your ideas for in-person or virtual online events are always welcome. Make a public or private gathering, literally, an EPIC experience.

Experts in EPIC’s topics are from the worlds of tech, healthcare, business, law, science, parenting, education, and many others … even an airline captain. They may be available for seminars, Q&A sessions, icebreakers, seasonal events, community forums, fundraisers, celebrations, guest lectures … etc.

Other formats are: on-topic films, live theatre, book readings, radio or tv interviews, visual art, and whatever fun can happen.

EPIC Events Calendar


Upcoming events will be posted here.



[older news and other items may be stored here]


about symptoms, illnesses, pollution & research.


We hope you will look, listen, thrive & grow. We hope you will interact with EPIC. We hope you will be kind to yourself, be kind to others & help everyone understand.


These photos might make you think of travel, work, connections, nature, music. Those topics and many more will be discussed here, as they relate to “wireless” and other types of electromagnetic fields.


Barbara Payne

Board of Directors:
Charlotte Kenning
Una St. Clair
Martin Weatherall
Barbara Payne

Riina Bray, MD
Magda Havas, PhD
David McRobert, BSc, MES, LLB
Marg Friesen, MSc
Eva Tavares St. Clair-Moniz, BMus

  • ESTIMATED 3 to 15 PERCENT OF CANADIANS suffer illness due to electromagnetic pollution. Using the lowest estimate that’s 1,100,000 Canadians.


The electromagnetic radiation-reduced area (T.E.R.R.A.). If you build it, they will come. IDEAS & PLANS are always welcome. Ways to contact EPIC are near the bottom of this page.


Canadians have a lot to show and tell about electromagnetic pollution illnesses and firsthand and secondhand exposures to electromagnetic pollution.

Kingston Frontenac Public Library uses this sign.

At home we have hardwired our 5 computers, replaced cordless phones with the corded version, removed the microwave to reduce temptations to use this convenient oven, and purchased a router that has an on/off switch for the Wi-Fi transmitter. Family members are learning to use apps that don’t require wireless connections. The kids have turned Wi-Fi and bluetooth off on their iPod Touch. We have disabled the wireless connection to our Wi-Fi printer, replaced wireless headphones with wired headphones and a 25 foot cord. We got rid of our wireless keyboard and mouse, turned off the wireless on all computers, got rid of my cell phone. Within a week we made many of these changes. This summer we hope to conceal the wiring and find convenient technologies for our children to connect with their friends immediately using safer, wired connections. We now purchase child-friendly products with wired connections (my daughter’s Sony computer with a RJ45 wired network port).
~ name omitted to respect confidentiality

Here is the sign on the outside of our front door. ~ Cary in Toronto

One evening, weeks after we turned off the Wi-Fi in our house, my husband called me from out-of-town. I picked up the phone and felt excruciating head pains. Agitated, I told him my head pain was unbearable and I had to cut our call short and leave the house immediately. He said “Wait! Where are you?” I told him I was in the den. He asked me to tell him the colours of the lights on the box on top of the computer. It was 3 green lights and 1 blue light. He told me to press a specific button. My razor-sharp pain went away immediately! I asked him what I had just [pressed]. He told me it was the router Wi-Fi transmitter. He had purchased a router that has a button to easily turn the Wi-Fi on and off. He showed the kids how to enable it to download to their iPods then turn it off again. I found out that they forgot to turn it off again before I got home. I walked into this situation blind, not aware that Wi-Fi was in use until the head pain began. When I am feeling overloaded I ask strangers to save my spot in line so I can put some distance between me and their wireless device. Most people are courteous.
~ name omitted to respect confidentiality

Environmental electrosmog saturation levels need to be regulated and measured by municipal governments.
~ name omitted to respect confidentiality

Thousands with Electrohypersensitivity, search desperately for any tiny corner of this rapidly shrinking world that isn’t saturated, or scheduled to be saturated, with radio/microwaves. Many people keep moving and try to physically protect themselves with shielding materials.
~ name omitted to respect confidentiality

Let’s Start Something EPIC Messages & REQUESTS

If you would like to receive our occasional newsletter, please say so in the “Your message” area below. Upon request, we will do our best to make our electronic newsletter and other materials also available in print via fax or postal mail, especially for individuals who are unable to interact with electronic screen devices or who choose to budget their online time.


Electronically via email to epic@iexistworld.org or tweet @iexistworld or simply scroll up to the previous section “Let’s Start Something EPIC” and there type whatever message you would like to send. (We do not subscribe you to our newsletter unless you specifically request that.)
Voice calls:  We’re in Canada 416-622-EPIC or 416-622-3742
Postal mail:
PO Box 36526 RPO Cloverdale Mall
250 The East Mall
Etobicoke ON  M9B 6K9
ABOUT CONTENT The content and links here are provided for information purposes only. Although effort has been made to ensure that information on this website is accurate, no guarantee of accuracy can be made or assumed. Information is subject to change without prior notice and often can be interpreted in many ways. Electromagnetic Pollution Illnesses Canada Foundation (EPIC) is therefore not liable for any damage resulting from the use of information obtained from this site or from sources linked to or from it. The responsibility for interpretation and use of any such material lies with the person viewing it.
ABOUT PRIVACY [Although generally most people in the world do have good intentions, we are of the opinion that so-called “privacy policies” actually indicate the opposite: an expectation that there is some degree of lack of privacy. Therefore, we prefer to have a realistic disclaimer about privacy, rather than an unrealistic policy. If you object to these circumstances, you can stop visiting this website.] Access to information and communication flow or storage of any type can, by mistake, accident, or purposeful interference, become too easy. We are human, and you are human; and there are many other humans and machines seeking information and communication. We can only say this: if we receive anything from you, it is never our intention to use it in any way that you did not intend. Please do bring any concerns to our attention, however, we are not responsible for privacy (by any definition) and therefore not liable for any damage that may result from any lack of privacy.
© 2017–2024 Electromagnetic Pollution Illnesses Canada Foundation