postponed * Queen’s Park Toronto event
Hello Everyone,
On May 21st, due to circumstances beyond anyone’s control, EPIC had to cancel the May 30th Electrosmog Awareness event at Queen’s Park. The Ontario Legislature’s last day before summer break is June 6th, so EPIC can plan an even more epic event for the fall. The liaison department representative at Queen’s Park has been very helpful throughout and was sad to do his duty today of informing us about new details that would impact our event.
EPIC will still own May 30th as an official launch date, and we’ll do a press release closer to the date. Perhaps you’d like your story or any brief message or question published (anonymously if you wish) at our website on that date. You could send us text or photos in advance that we could post on May 30th. And if you record a short audio or video we may be able to make that available (either on May 30th or soon after).
We welcome your ideas for other positive summertime activities — personal or group — please contact us at or 416-622-EPIC.
If you shared your invitation for May 30th, please notify others of this cancellation/postponement.
Thank you. Each of you is an EPIC hero.
Whatever it takes!
because wireless radiation is a pollutant
I aim for zero footprint and reduce exposure
#PracticeSafeTech #doitWITHwires
• prefer wires • provide wires
• request wires • respect wires

Let’s Start Something EPIC Messages & Newsletter requests
Voice phone in Canada: 416-622-EPIC or 416-622-3742
Postal mail:
PO Box 36526 RPO Cloverdale Mall
250 The East Mall
Etobicoke ON M9B 6K9
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